Smart Grids

SG-1.2 Road Maps for Renewable Energy and Distributed Energy Integration

Study of Demand Response’s Effect in Accommodating Renewable Energy Penetration in the Smart Grid

Demand response is a change in electricity consumption in response to price signals or incentives, for example to reduce electric loads or to shift peak loads to off-peak periods.  Such demand response may reducing requirements for new generating capacity but can also help accommodate additional renewable energy generation.  If demand can be adjusted downward when intermittent renewable generation fluctuates upward, or upward when renewable generation fluctuates downward, overall load will be made more stable, and more renewables can be accommodated.

The study will assess the practical feasibility of demand response for accommodating additional renewable energy penetration.  It will then examine how resulting benefits might be distributed among different types of electricity users and suppliers so that the demand response strategy benefits all. Supporting policies and regulations will be evaluated. China will be examined as a case study of how the demand response system for renewables could operate commercially.

For additional information, please review this project’s proposal at upper right.

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