Smart Jobs & Consumers

SJ-2.2 Energy Efficiency Educational Resources

Energy Revealed Program

Introduction video
of the "Alberta Council for Environmental Education: Energy Revealed Program" 

Purpose of this curriculum:

Students across Canada will gather baseline data on energy consumption at school, identify key actions to achieve the greatest energy savings, measure the impact of their actions using real data, and share their stories widely online and in local media. This program is the very epitome of excellent education. It helps schools, the environment and empowers students to:

● Become energy efficiency experts and future energy managers.

● Develop their competencies, innovative mindsets, and workplace skills, preparing them for careers in a low carbon economy.

● Drive down the use of electricity, gas, and water at school, at home, and in their communities.

● Help reduce greenhouse gases, utility bills, and carbon levy payments.

Programs for implementing the curriculum

● Our experiential learning program leverages new technology that ‘makes energy visible.’

● We provide students with a link to real-time data: dashboards showing a school’s use of electricity.

● Our lesson plans help students understand how energy is used – and challenges them to come up with ideas and recommendations on how to increase the school’s energy efficiency, keeping funds in the classroom where they belong!

Curriculum or Interactive Media Website:

Pilot resources to get you started

I.Energy efficiency curriculum correlations

● Alberta

● British Columbia – coming soon

● Ontario – coming soon

II.Draft energy efficiency lesson plans for Energy Revealed

III.Other energy efficiency education resources (Canada and U.S.)

IV.Greenhouse gas calculator from GreenLearning Canada

V.Alberta electrical energy calculator and Ontario electrical energy calculator from GreenLearning Canada.

Calculate your electrical device’s annual kilowatt hours, Greenhouse gases and cost at

VI.You Tube video example of energy efficiency education in action with teacher Aaron Dublenko

VII.Introductory video about the pilot program in Alberta.

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