Industry and Enterprise   –  Enterprise Portfolio:

Smart Grids

Arch Meter Corporation is a High Quality Electronic Measuring Meter Manufacturer in Taiwan, providing Pre-payment Meter, Electronic Meter and Electricity Meter with durable quality and good price. Our company has been specializing in producing Smart Energy Meter for many years; superior quality is guaranteed. We also supply Single Phase Multi-function Electricity Meter and Three Phase Electricity Meter with good quality. If you are looking for reliable Smart Power Meter, Single Phase Meter IC and Power Measurement Manufacturer, please do not hesitate to contact us.

[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”Arch Meter Corporation, a unique company invested and in technology, supported by Prolific (IC designer) and ITRI (the largest technology research institute in Taiwan), was founded to provide electronic meters, demand-side management equipment. Arch Meter owns key IC components and the system products. We welcome cooperation through technology license, ODM, or agency. At Arch Meter, we believe that through the integration of metering, communication, and control, we can create enough value to share with you to challenge the future power environment.

Arch Meter is a new product oriented company, committed to pushing the forefront technology and providing the innovative customer-focused and cost effective integrated products to fulfill the need of future power management.” condition=”isnot” value=””]

About Us:

Arch Meter Corporation, a unique company invested and in technology, supported by Prolific (IC designer) and ITRI (the largest technology research institute in Taiwan), was founded to provide electronic meters, demand-side management equipment. Arch Meter owns key IC components and the system products. We welcome cooperation through technology license, ODM, or agency. At Arch Meter, we believe that through the integration of metering, communication, and control, we can create enough value to share with you to challenge the future power environment.

Arch Meter is a new product oriented company, committed to pushing the forefront technology and providing the innovative customer-focused and cost effective integrated products to fulfill the need of future power management.

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Business Partners:

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Honors and Awards:

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Contact Information

Janku Chen


[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”4F, No.3-2, Industry E. Rd., 9 Sciense-Park, Hsinchu 308 Taiwan” condition=”isnot” value=””]
4F, No.3-2, Industry E. Rd., 9 Sciense-Park, Hsinchu 308 Taiwan


[gravityforms action=”conditional” merge_tag=”886-3-5631359″ condition=”isnot” value=””]

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Product Examples:

Produces an array of grid instrumentation, including power controller, power meters, and energy meters, including automated metering.

The features of our system applications are as below:
– Planning the most efficient solutions in accordance with variety solutions
-Integration:demand control、scheduling、power monitoring, power usage reports, energy saving control……so on.
– Flexibility: It can expand the application to water、fire and security monitoring. (Especially for the users need
large-scale multi-task solutions)
– It has built-in network information integrated functions, can easily realize remote monitor and control.
– We researches and develops our own product series. Our products are made in Taiwan and also certificated by CE, LVD, FCC……so on.

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