Smart Grids

SG-2.2 Smart Grid Demonstration Projects

The JUMPSmartMaui project – a collaboration between Japan, Hawaii and Maui that incorporated Smart Grid, renewable energy, and all-electric vehicle solutions in Maui’s electrical grid. launched in June 2011. A total of 530 residents and businesses participated in this demonstration project that was conducted in two phases. The goal of JUMPSmartMaui was to demonstrate smart grid technologies to enable the efficient use of renewable energy in an island setting. The project would aggregate and control distributed energy resources, EVs, and other innovative technologies to respond to changing demands on the grid caused by the increasing levels of as-available renewable energy. In Phase 1, the project collected valuable data from volunteers to evaluate how these devices could contribute to electric grid with more renewables being integrated. Phase 2 advanced the next phase of energy management for homes and businesses. The overall goal of this phase was to create a “virtual power plant” that would integrate and manage distributed renewable energy resources such as EV batteries within the electric grid for the benefit of the community. In late 2016, the JUMPSmartMaui stakeholders announced the successful completion of the project.


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