Smart Grids

SG-2.2 Smart Grid Demonstration Projects

Keihanna Eco City

In April 2010, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry chose domestically four areas (Yokohama city, Toyota city, Keihanna Science City (Kyoto prefecture) and Kitakyushu city) as the target areas of for the “Next Generation Energy and Social System Demonstration” that was an activity for the establishment and global development of the Japanese smart grid (smart community). The demonstration project presented here is to perform demonstration experiments in Keihanna Science City among these four areas, and is an activity subsidized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The Next Generation Energy and Social System Demonstration is an activity that demonstrates the smart community in actual fields, including not only the transportation sector, but also the residential sector and the commercial sector. It features the introduction of the community energy management system (CEMS) for supervision of the sectors and optimization of energy utilization in the community.

The Keihanna Science City was selected as one of the“ Next-Generation Energy and Social System Demonstration Projects” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. To establish the Keihanna model of smart grid (regional nano-grid), the city will carry out various experimental projects including the implementation of solar power and other renewable energies, introducing a large number of electric vehicles to the city, the“ visualization” of energy consumptions by households, and the development of an optimal management system for households, buildings, electric vehicles and the whole region. Using these systems effectively, we aim to create a new smart and comfortable lifestyle for the city.

By applying the knowledge and accomplishments we have accumulated over the course of our research and experiments in the Keihanna Science City, we will help create new business models and distribute them within and outside Japan. We are building the framework for the strategic development of new industries with which we promote more investments into the city, enhance our industrial areas, and create more opportunities for industries to expand into overseas markets.

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