Smart Transportation

ST-1.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

With over 130,000 people using buses each day in Auckland, improved service frequencies, more direct routes, a new fare system, and new bus stations will help make it easier to use public transport.

The New Network is the biggest change to happen to the whole of Auckland’s public transport in its history. It fundamentally changes the way bus services operate, providing greater access around Auckland for more people, at more times of the day, more often. The New Network is based on 3 principles: frequency, connectivity, and simplicity.

1.Frequency is freedom:The New Network aims to increase the frequency on key routes. This will make it a lot easier to get around at all times of the day. The key routes in the network are called ‘Frequent’ routes. These routes meet our ‘frequent promise’ – each route runs at least every 15 minutes, 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. These routes also run earlier and later than this, and many will run at a frequency higher than 15 minutes.

2.A connected network: The New Network is designed to work as a connected network. Passengers can easily transfer between bus and train services without paying an additional fare. By having fewer routes at higher frequencies, one can still travel to a wide range of destinations, and will have more options of when to travel. This also makes more efficient use of resources as there is less duplication between services travelling the same routes as train services.

3.Simplicity and legibility: The current network is complicated and difficult to understand as it tries to connect lots of places with lots of other places. We have bus routes going just about everywhere, but the buses don’t always come often.The New Network is simpler, so you can easily figure out which routes you need to make your journey, rather than sort through a web of possibilities.

The New Network aims to have as many routes as possible operate all day, every day, while removing as many occasional and infrequent variations to routes as possible. Over the top of this all-day network we have added some peak and targeted services that complement the main network, though the first preference is to add or increase frequency/span on an all-day route if possible.

Three reasons for the New Network

  • Improve the attractiveness of public transport – so more people use it more often.
  • Better use of resources – making buses and trains works together as a single network reduces duplication and provides services where they are needed.
  • Provide more service for the same money – by designing the network to operate through connections we can provide more bus trips for the same amount of money.

Source: "New public transport network", copyright by Auckland Transport,

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