Smart Grids

SG-1.2 Road Maps for Renewable Energy and Distributed Energy Integration

Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study (PCWIS)

The Pan-Canadian Wind Integration Study (PCWIS) was performed to assess the implications of integrating large amounts of wind in the Canadian electrical system: Specifically,

(1)To develop a consistent database of chronological wind data for potential wind sites across Canada

(2)To provide an improved understanding of the operational challenges and opportunities associated with high wind energy penetration in Canada, and

(3)To provide an improved understanding of the operational and production costs and benefits of high wind penetration in Canada.

This study aimed to develop an understanding of the operational implications of how variable wind energy resources would affect the existing and future electricity grid, and what environmental and economic costs and benefits may be associated with integrating large amounts of wind energy in Canada. System operators have a desire to understand how much wind energy can be reliably integrated onto the electricity grid and at what cost. Opportunities for greater penetration and more cost-effective integration are enhanced when these issues are considered on a regional or national basis. While the benefits of wind energy are widely known, the results of this study will help ensure that the benefits of wind energy are most efficiently realized.

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