Smart Buildings

SB-4.1 Low Energy Window Organizations

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) is the leader in energy performance rating and certification programs for fenestration products.

NFRC administers the only uniform, independent rating and labeling system for the energy performance of windows, doors, skylights, and attachment products. Its goal is to provide fair, accurate, and reliable energy performance ratings so that:

  • Architects, builders, code officials, contractors, homeowners, and others can compare different products and make informed product choices.
  • Building officials, state government employees, and others involved in code development and enforcement can determine if products meet local codes.
  • Government- and utility-run energy efficiency programs can establish performance requirements and standards.
  • Manufacturers have a fair and level playing field to compare products and an accurate method of showing the energy benefits of new designs or technology.

The NFRC maintains a database of certified products that is available through its website.

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