Smart Buildings   –  Low Energy Building Network:

SB-1.2 Low Energy Building Demonstration Projects

Net Lima, features the following ecological firsts:

  • A building envelope consisting of sun shading and a full glass curtain wall featuring double-glazed low-emissivity glass, which reduces costs and energy use associated with air conditioning, which, according to the PhilGBC, is the largest and costliest energy consumer for a commercial building in the Philippines.
  • (GRP) Fiberglass fuel storage tanks. This feature has built-in leak detection for generators used during power outages. Compared to industry-standard steel tanks, these tanks reduce the risk of leaks and contamination. They also have a life span twice as long and can easily be repaired and serviced.
  • Harvesting of condensate water from A/C will be operational. Instead of wasting the condensate water, this is collected into a separate tank to be used for landscaping, cleaning and other needs.
  • Cold air recycling: A portion of cool exhaust air is ducted to provide comfort cooling to the arcade area in front of the lobby

Project Context

Oppenheim’s masterplan concept for The Net Metropolis, 5th Ave. is composed of three towers that span a 3-acre block and range from 24 to 40 stories resting on six levels of above-grade parking. The project has a clear environmental (and economical) purpose and will further balance nature and architecture by integrating two recreational parks that serve as both amenity spaces and soothing, intricately landscaped focal points. Oppenheim seeks to marry beauty and sustainability; thus, his overall design is derived from a study of solar conditions and outward views. The towers are oriented so each is rotating off the other’s axis, with each subsequent structure fanning out in a dynamic and cascading direction.

The Net Lima Tower is the first to be certified with the Philippines BERDE standard and received a 4-star rating.

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