Electric Vehicle Demonstration Projects in the United States

“Tekes Washington Office has commissioned NWV Market Discovery to carry out a study that will provide an insight into electric vehicle (EV) demonstration projects in the US currently under way or in the planning stages.

Tekes has already commissioned two previous studies, one of them about the future of EVs in Finland, the other dealing with the charging of EVs.

Tekes would now like to learn about demonstration projects that are aimed at
implementing the use of EVs in residential areas and in cities.

For projects that are open to international collaboration, Tekes would like to find out more about the collaboration partners and the lead decision makers.

This report focuses on identifying demonstration projects that are under way or about to be implemented in areas such as demonstration projects and test beds, platforms and test environments.

For each project, sorted by the two categories above, you will find the following

• Main aims of the projects
• Results to date and if they’re publicly available
• Main partners in these projects and what are their respective roles
• Projects that are collaborating internationally and with whom
• Contact details, names of project leaders”

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